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Want to know your luck of the year?Check out our recommendation!
- 타고난 운명(運命)과 복(福) 완전 정복 시리즈45% 66,000KRW
- Skills 6-궁합맛집 헬로우봇 완전정복 패키지42% 59,100KRW
- Skills 3-퇴사&이직 완전 정복 패키지39% 12,800KRW
- Skills 7-이별 그 후💔 재회 확률 200% 상승 패키지26% 17,900KRW
- Skills 6-내 사주 완전정복: 인생 피는 개운 패키지34% 59,500KRW
- Skills 8-바쁘다 바빠 현대 사회👀 멘탈 헬스 케어 패키지23% 6,000KRW
- Skills 4-한 걸음 더: 짝사랑 셀프 응원 패키지28% 26,900KRW
- Skills 7-헤어진 사람 잊는 법40% 45,300KRW
- To view Bundle purchase history, go to Bundle > Purchase History
- Bundle can be purchased multiple times
- If you have used any of the skills included in a Bundle, you cannot request a refund
- Skills shared between more than one Bundle are non-refundable
- Any purchased bundles can be played even if they are no longer for sale
- Bundles may no longer be available for sale without prior notice
- Skills included in a bundle can only be played once
- If you exit the chat via 'I want to leave', no refund will be available
- For questions please go to profile > 'contact developer' or 'purchase inquiry' or contact our support team via support@hellobot.co.